
Thursday, December 22, 2011

That's my cousin!

I was privileged to attend his mission non-farewell* this past Sunday and hear his testimony of the gospel once more in person before he leaves to serve the people of Japan for two years.  While he was speaking, I scribbled him:

His most telling quote was: "I have many doubts about myself, but I have no doubts about my God."  And that, cousin, is why I have no doubts about you.  Good luck, Peter!

*Oh, right.  Just in case there is ever a reader who is unfamiliar with the customs of members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the U.S.  Traditionally, when a young man (or woman) is about to leave on a mission, he and his family or close friends will give the sermons, prayers, and/or musical numbers in their ward's Sunday worship meeting (sacrament meeting).  These meetings are often termed "mission farewells," as the family and ward will not see the missionary again for 1 1/2 to 2 years.  However, central Church leadership has recently requested that this practice be changed, as the farewells have tended to focus more on the missionary and less on the gospel he is about to go out and share.  The transition is happening, if slowly.

1 comment:

  1. I still like that quote ;) Awesome sketch! I bet he'll be an awesome missionary :)
